
Our success is directly dependent on the number of people willing to see the film. We do not have huge marketing budgets (in fact, out marketing budget is nearly non-existent), we do not have big distribution houses standing behind us, we do not have cinema chains chasing us to show our movie.

All we have is you.

Without our supporters and fans, we cannot succeed.

We need help with spreading the word of our film.

Here is how you could help:

To register as a volunteer, fill out this form and check the "Volunteer" checkbox at the bottom.

Your Social Network

Spread the word thru your social network – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…

Send direct messages to the people you might think are likely to want to see the movie.

You can do this from anywhere in the world.

If you’d like to have additional materials, download the Press Kit here – the promotional film materials assembled for the members of the press. If you need additional materials for your specific needs, let us know.

Any questions or concerns, email us at marko.marko.marko@gmail.com.

Join Our Team in Your City

We might need additional help while we’re organizing the screening in your city. If you’d like to join our team while we’re nearby and help us spread the word, give out our brochures to moviegoers and organize the screenings themselves, without the hassle of traveling far, this might be the option for you.

You would receive two tickets for the film screening and our volunteer T-shirts.

To express interest in volunteering in your city, simply fill out this form and select that you are interested only in participating in your city’s screenings.

Tour with Us

If you’d like to join us for the duration of our tour, fill out this form.

Groups and Organizations

If you are a group or organization whose mission is in alignment with themes addressed in our film, we’d be interested in working with you. If you are an individual who knows such an organization, do let us know at marko.marko.marko@gmail.com.

We need help spreading the word about the film and filling the seats in our release cities.

You can help us by:
– Sending a direct invitation to your email subscribers to attend our screening.
– Including our information on your website and social media.
– Include our information on your email outreach.

If you help us, we will:
– Include your information on our affiliates page on our website
– Thank you on all of our social media outlets.
– Include your information in our email campaigns.
– Provide discounted ticket rates for members of your group or organization.

We will create and provide all materials you need, in the size, format, and resolution you need . We can create emails that you can easily send out to your followers. We’ll provide any technical support you might require.

Email us at marko.marko.marko@gmail.com.

Host a Screening

There is a couple of ways to host a screening. One is to host it in your own venue and the other is to host it in a theatre.

Hosting it in your own venue makes sense if you have a venue and a large enough audience.

If not, hosting it in a theater would be more practical. We could simply designate one of our pre-planned screenings to be hosted by you. Your audience would get discounted tickets and we’d be able to fill the other seats with regular moviegoers. Another advantage to this approach is that it’d be certain that we’d be able to attend the screening.

We will create and provide all materials you need for your website, help create emails that you can easily send out to your audience and provide any technical support you might require.

Contact us at marko.marko.marko@gmail.com.

Recommend a Venue

If you know of a venue where we might show the film, click here

Anything else

Can you think of a way to volunteer we didn’t think of?

If you’d like to help us in any other way, email us at marko.marko.marko@gmail.com.

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